Thursday, September 11, 2008


Friends, today is a great day, because my friend Bekah (who I just spent 6 weeks with in her home of Calcutta, India) finally posted our world-famous COCKROACH MOVIE on  her blog!!!!!

This epic three-minute film gives you a glimpse into the harrowing reality of daily life in India. Part comedy, part tragedy, part action/fight/war, part suspense/horror/thriller, this movie encompasses it all. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sit at your computer and watch it over, and over, and over again, just like I do. To view this monumental cinema accomplishment that will change your life forever, go to: and click on the first video. The title is, shockingly, "Cockroaches In My Closet - Aghhh." 

And aghh it is, friends. Aghh it is.

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